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Nu är de äntligen här! Shortsini badshorts Recycled! Bättre än någonsin!

Now they are finally here! Shortsini swimming shorts Recycled! Better than ever!

Written by Andreas Sköld
Now they are finally here! Shortsini swimming shorts Recycled! Better than ever! In sizes up to 4...
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Vi skulle expandera det här året…

We were going to expand this year…

Written by Andreas Sköld
…but we tripped and fell head over heels! If you're one of all the lovely people who waited to bu...
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Lerumstidnings artikel

Lerum magazine's article

Written by Andreas Sköld
Mudroom company wants to change bathing fashion for girls News A more equal swimwear. That i...
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Brist på jämställdhet går att hitta i alla delar av samhället,

Lack of equality can be found in all parts of society,

Written by Andreas Sköld
Lack of equality can be found in all parts of society, large and small. Creating a product that i...
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Hörde att det nu finns produkter för att sminka bikinilinjen.

Heard that there are now products to make up the bikini line.

Written by Andreas Sköld
Heard that there are now products to make up the bikini line. So it's apparently not enough to sh...
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Har du koll på Shortsinins alla smarta funktioner?

Do you know all of Shortsin's smart functions?

Written by Andreas Sköld
Do you know all of Shortsin's smart functions? 🌙 Soft and comfortable panties 🌙 The inner panty i...
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Jag slogs av en tanke när jag borstade håret på min son...

A thought struck me as I was brushing my son's hair…

Written by Andreas Sköld
I was struck by a thought while brushing my son's hair this weekend - "wonder if brushing hair is...
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Dags för kick-off med jobbet ...

Time to kick-off with work...

Written by Andreas Sköld
Time to kick-off with work but you don't want to hang out with your colleagues in panties and bra...
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När jag var tonåring stod jag framför spegeln och petade på den där lilla bullen...

When I was a teenager, I stood in front of the mirror and poked at that little bun…

Written by Andreas Sköld
When I was a teenager, I stood in front of the mirror and poked at that little bump that is on th...
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Rätten att bestämma över sin egen kropp...

The right to decide over one's own body...

Written by Andreas Sköld
The right to decide over one's own body can just as well be to choose to show more, as well as l...
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Dyksäkra baden 💦

Diving-proof baths 💦

Written by Andreas Sköld
Diving-proof baths 💦 🌙 You should feel safe and comfortable doing what you want in your swimwear....
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Toppen! BH på stranden är inte för alla.

The top! Bras on the beach are not for everyone.

Written by Andreas Sköld
The top! Bras on the beach are not for everyone. Some of us find it nice to be able to move freel...
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Låt inte dina kläder begränsa dig!

Don't let your clothes limit you!

Written by Andreas Sköld
Don't let your clothes limit you! You should be able to move freely, bend, squat, sit comfortably...
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Jag var 13 år och hade köpt en ny baddräkt.

I was 13 years old and had bought a new bathing suit.

Written by Andreas Sköld
I was 13 years old and had bought a new bathing suit. Neon green and cut high above the hip. In ...
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Sofia: Jag letade länge efter ett alternativ till den lilla bikinitrosan.

Sofia: I looked for a long time for an alternative to the tiny bikini bottom.

Written by Andreas Sköld
Sofia: I looked for a long time for an alternative to the tiny bikini bottom. Guys swim in shorts...
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Att ifrågasätta samhällsnormer och skapa nya,

To question social norms and create new ones,

Written by Andreas Sköld
Questioning societal norms and creating new ones, that's how we make the world a better place. On...
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Bikinilinjen – en linje du behöver skapa på din kropp – med en rakhyvel

The bikini line – a line you need to create on your body – with a razor

Written by Andreas Sköld
The bikini line – a line you need to create on your body – with a razor – in order to fit into an...
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“Har de som designar bikinitrosor någonsin sett ett kvinnligt könsorgan?”

"Have the people who design bikini bottoms ever seen a female genitalia?"

Written by Andreas Sköld
"Have the bikini bottom designers ever seen a female genitalia?" asks Maria Sveland in a column i...
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Dina kläder ska inte begränsa dig!

Your clothes shouldn't limit you!

Written by Andreas Sköld
Your clothes shouldn't limit you! If they are going to do anything, they should make life easier ...
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Njut av solen ! ☀️

Enjoy the sun! ☀️

Written by Andreas Sköld
Enjoy the sun this summer! ☀️ Here in the north, many long for the light and warmth of summer dur...
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Du är perfekt precis som du är, du behöver inte justeras ❤️

You are perfect just the way you are, you don't need to be adjusted ❤️

Written by Andreas Sköld
Free from push up, hold in and other "shaping" God, can a woman only look like women look. You ar...
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Tänk dig konceptet av att köpa sköna kläder. Inte kläder som ska hjälpa dig att hålla in, forma om, pusha upp.

Imagine the concept of buying nice clothes. Not clothes that will help you hold in, reshape, push up.

Written by Andreas Sköld
Imagine the concept of buying nice clothes. Not clothes that will help you hold in, reshape, push...
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Vi är på stranden för vår egen skull ✨

We are on the beach for our own sake ✨

Written by Andreas Sköld
We sit how we want ✨ We relax in the most comfortable way ✨ We are on the beach for our own sake ...
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Vi är här för att normalisera badshorts som ett självklart alternativ även för tjejer.

We are here to normalize swimming shorts as an obvious option for girls too.

Written by Andreas Sköld
We are here to normalize swimming shorts as an obvious option for girls too. Why wouldn't it be?...
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”Men, det är ju inte en bra idé, då får ju jag mindre att kolla på på stranden”

"But, that's not a good idea, then I get less to look at on the beach"

Written by Andreas Sköld
"But, that's not a good idea, then I get less to look at on the beach" We usually get that commen...
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Du har bara en valmöjlighet om det finns alternativ att välja mellan

You only have one option if there are options to choose from

Written by Andreas Sköld
You only have one option if there are options to choose from ✨ 🌙 Of course, everyone should feel ...
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Bikinilinje. Lustigt ord, eller hur?

Bikini line. Funny word, right?

Written by Andreas Sköld
Bikini line. Funny word, right? A line you need to create to fit in the bikini briefs👙 So they ha...
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”Som tjej får man tänka på hur man sitter” sa min mamma

"As a girl, you have to think about how you sit," my mother said

Written by Andreas Sköld
"As a girl, you have to think about how you sit," my mother said "Then what the hell for?" I say ...
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